Total no.of Questions : 50 | Total Marks : 200 | Duration : 75 mins | Each question is allotted +4 Marks for each correct response & -1 for each incorrect answer. | |
50 MCQs : Physics(10 Qs.) | Chemistry (10 Qs.) |Biology (5 Qs.) | Mathematics(15 Qs.) | Mental Ability (10 Qs.) | ||||
Fun with Magnets Light shadows and reflections Electric current and its effects Heat |
Separation of substances Acids, bases and salts Physical and Chemical Changes |
Nutrition in Animals Nutrition in Plants Respiration in organisms |
Data Handling Integers Lines and angles Simple Equations Fractions and Decimals,Rational numbers Ratio and Proportions Triangles and its properties,congruency of triangles |
Verbal and Non verbal series, analogy, classification Water and Mirror Images Coding and Decoding Venn Diagrams Mathematical Operations Alphabet Test |
Total no.of Questions : 55 | Total Marks : 220 | Duration : 90 mins | Each question is allotted +4 Marks for each correct response & -1 for each incorrect answer. | |
55 MCQs : Physics(10 Qs.) | Chemistry (10 Qs.) |Biology (5 Qs.) | Mathematics(20 Qs.) | Mental Ability (10 Qs.) | ||||
Electric current and its effects Light Force and pressure Friction Sound |
Physical and chemical changes Coal and Petroleum Combustion and Flame |
Transportation in Animals and Plants Crop production and management Micro-organisms: Friend and Foe |
Congruency of Triangles Fractions and Decimals Integers Linear Equations in one variable Squares and square roots Cubes and cube roots Exponents and Powers Rational Numbers,Compaing quantities |
Verbal and Non verbal series, analogy, classification Water and mirror images Coding and decoding Venn diagrams Mathematical operations Counting figures Cubes and dices Embedded figures Missing Characters |
Total no.of Questions : 55 | Total Marks : 220 | Duration : 90 mins | Each question is allotted +4 Marks for each correct response & -1 for each incorrect answer. | |
55 MCQs : Physics(10) | Chemistry (10) |Mathematics (20) | BIOLOGY (5)| Mental Ability (10) | ||||
Light Motion Force and Laws of motion Gravitation |
Combustion and flame Matter in our surroundings Is matter pure ? Atoms and Molecules |
Reproduction in Animals and Reaching the age of Adolescence Conservation of Animals and Plants The fundamental unit of life Tissues |
Algebraic Expressions and Identities Comparing Quantities Squares and Square roots Cubes and Cube Roots Exponents and Powers Mensuration Factorisation Number Systems Polynomials Linear equations in two variable Lines and Angles,Real numbers |
Verbal and Non verbal series, analogy, classification Water and mirror images Coding and Decoding Venn Diagrams Counting Figures Embedded Figures Direction sense Blood Relations Problems based on figures Cubes and Dice |
Total no.of Questions : 60 | Total Marks : 240 | Duration : 2 hour | Each question is allotted +4 Marks for each correct response & -1 for each incorrect answer. |
60 MCQs : Physics(15) | Chemistry (15) |Biology (20) | Mental Ability (10) | |||
Work Power and Energy Light - Reflection and Refraction Human eye and colourful word Electricity |
Atoms and molecules Chemical equations and reactions Acids, bases and salts Metal and non Metals |
Nutrition Respiration Transportation Excretion Control and Coordination |
Verbal and Non verbal series, analogy, classification Coding and decoding Venn diagrams Counting figures Embedded figures Direction sense Blood Relations Problems based on figures Cubes and Dices Clocks and Calenders Data interpretation |
Total no.of Questions : 60 | Total Marks : 240 | Duration : 2 hour | Each question is allotted +4 Marks for each correct response & -1 for each incorrect answer. |
60 MCQs : Physics(15) | Chemistry (15) |Mathematics (20) | Mental Ability (10) | |||
Work Power and Energy Light - Reflection and Refraction Human eye and colourful word Electricity |
Atoms and molecules Chemical equations and reactions Acids, bases and salts Metal and non Metals |
Polynomials Surface Areas and Volumes Lines and Angles Introduction to Trigonometry Some Applications of Trigonometry Pair of Linear equations in two variables,Quadratic Equations Statistics Triangles - Congruency Similar Triangles Real Numbers |
Verbal and Non verbal series, analogy, classification Coding and decoding Venn diagrams Counting figures Embedded figures Direction sense Blood Relations Problems based on figures Cubes and Dices Clocks and Calenders Data interpretation |